Respiratory Syncytial Virus: An invisible Threat to the Elderly
This is an in-service training for the staff of CUHK Medical Centre.
Upon completion of the activity, participants will learn:
- The disease burden RSV
- RSV Diagnosis and Management
- An introduction of the latest adjuvanted RSV vaccine
- Efficacy and Safety of AREXVY
International Recommendations on RSV Vaccines
1:00pm to 2:00pm
L3 Pharmacy Service, CUHK Medical Centre, 9 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin
Organising Institute:
CUHK Medical Centre
Yoshika Shirai
Medical Science Liaison, GSK
Registered Pharmacist (GPhC)
Master of Pharmacy (1st Class Hon), Postgrad Cert. in General Pharmacy Practice (Distinction)
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