Scientific updates on systemic therapies in oncology and hematology

This is an in-service training for CUHK Medical Centre staff.

Upon completion of the activity, participants will learn:

  • Recent advances and emerging trends for solid tumors and hematological malignancies
  • Mechanisms of action of novel systemic therapies
  • Efficacy and safety data of selected therapies
  • Role of pharmacists in counselling and monitoring of patients
1:00pm to 2:00pm
L3 Pharmacy Library, CUHKMC
Organising Institute:
CUHK Medical Centre
1. Derrick Wong, Registered pharmacist (HK), MMedSc, BPharm; Medical Affairs Manager, Astellas Pharma Hong Kong Co. Ltd. 2. Horaine Tsang, MRes, BSc; Medical Affairs Manager, Astellas Pharma Hong Kong Co. Ltd.

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